Video Streaming Bundles

Terms and Conditions:

  1. Vodacom Once-Off Video Data bundles (the “Bundles”) will be available to customers on Contract, uChoose and Prepaid price plans.
  2. You can purchase an unlimited number of Bundles for use on any of our partners’ video services (the “Video Services”).
  3. You may purchase new Bundles and review the balance of your existing Bundles through the following self-service channels:
    • USSD (*135# and *123#)
    • Vodacom Online (Vodacom Portal, Mobile site and App)
    • Customer Care (082 135)
  4. All the quoted prices of the Bundles include VAT.
  5. No pro-ration is applied, the full data allocation is applied and the full charge is always billed upon the purchase of the Bundles.
  6. If you are a prepaid or uChoose customer, the purchase price for the Bundles you purchase shall be deducted from your rechargeable airtime.
  7. If you are a postpaid customer, the purchase price for the Bundles you purchase shall be added to your monthly postpaid bill.
  8. The 1GB, 3GB, 5GB and 10GB Once-Off 30 Day Bundles are valid until 23:59 on the 30th calendar day from and including the day on which you purchased the Bundles.
  9. If you do not use your Bundles during the validity period, you will forfeit such Bundles and you may not be able to claim them back.
  10. Bundles that have expired or exceeded the validity period cannot be carried over into a new period.
  11. When you stream or download content from the Video Services, the bundles required for such download or streaming will be deducted from your Bundles.
  12. Your Bundles will not be depleted if you are browsing or watching video previews on a specific Vodacom services websites or application that is not a Video Service.
  13. In the event that you select or click on a link that directs you out of the Video Services, you will be billed in accordance with your existing tariff plan or your other data bundles will be depleted for this purpose.
  14. You may purchase additional Bundles whilst your existing Bundles are valid.
  15. When you use the Video Services, the Bundles that you purchased last shall be the first to be depleted.
  16. When you purchase the Bundles, you will receive data usage notifications pertaining to the specific Bundles you purchased.
  17. The Bundles do not have an out-of-bundle rate. If your Bundles are depleted, data usage will revert to other available data bundles and if there are none, data will be consumed at a per MB rate at the existing applicable Prepaid or Post-paid out of bundle rate.
  18. If you are a postpaid customer that has Bundles and subsequently migrate to a prepaid plan, the Bundles you purchased prior to migrating will be automatically forfeited.
  19. If you are a postpaid customer that has Bundles and subsequently migrate to a Top Up/uChoose plan, the Bundles you purchased prior to migrating will be automatically forfeited.
  20. If you are a postpaid customer that has Bundles and you subsequently migrate to another postpaid plan, you will retain the Bundles you purchased prior to your migration.
  21. If you are a uChoose/Top Up customer that has Bundles and you subsequently migrate to a prepaid plan, you will retain the Bundles you purchased prior to your migration..
  22. If you are a uChoose/Top Up customer that has Bundles and you subsequently migrate to another uChoose/Top Up plan, you will retain the Bundles you purchased prior to your migration.
  23. If you are a uChoose/Top Up customer that has Bundles and you subsequently migrate to a postpaid plan, the Bundles you purchased prior to migrating will be automatically forfeited.
  24. If you are a prepaid customer that has Bundles and you subsequently migrate to another prepaid plan, you will retain the Bundles you purchased prior to your migration.
  25. If you are a prepaid customer that has Bundles and you subsequently migrate to a uChoose/Top Up plan, you will retain the Bundles you purchased prior to your migration.
  26. If you are a prepaid customer that has Bundles and you subsequently migrate to a postpaid plan, the Bundles you purchased prior to migrating will be automatically forfeited.
  27. The Bundles do not apply to data roaming.
  28. The Bundles will be depleted based on the volume of data sent and received whilst using the Video Service, and not the time you spend using the Video Services.
  29. Night Owl Data does not get allocated to the Bundles.
  30. Vodacom reserves the right to suspend the Service if in the opinion of Vodacom, you misuse or abuse the Service in any way whatsoever.
  31. The terms and conditions and subscription process required for each Video Service shall at all times be applicable and shall constitute an agreement between you and the provider of the Video Services. Vodacom shall not be liable for any unavailability, faults glitches, bugs or technical issues with the Video Services. Furthermore, Vodacom shall not be held liable for any damages or loss howsoever arising that you may suffer as a result of you using the Video Service.
  32. In the event that any of your user data is collected whilst using Service, the user data will be stored for as long as Vodacom is legally required to and in accordance with Vodacom's Privacy Statement, If there is no legal requirement, the collected information will only be stored for as long as it is needed for Vodacom to be able to provide the Bundles and has a legitimate interest in processing such user data.
  33. Vodacom reserves the right to terminate the Bundle offering immediately and without notice to you in the event that the Bundle offering is held to be or becomes unlawful in terms of applicable laws. In such event you hereby waive any rights which you may have against Vodacom and acknowledge that you will have no recourse or claim of any nature whatsoever against Vodacom.
  34. In the event of a dispute concerning any aspect of the Bundles and/or these Terms and Conditions, Vodacom's decision will be final and binding and no correspondence will be entered into.
  35. Vodacom makes no warranties, expressed or otherwise through its employees or agents unless such warranties are reduced into writing and contained in these Terms and Conditions.