Terms And Conditions
Just 4 You Rewards incentivises you, our loyal customers, for using Vodacom products and services.
The Just 4 You Rewards service is available to all Vodacom customers excluding Community Service sims, Mobile Broadband (MBB) customers, corporate-liable enterprise customers and machine-to-machine or IoT sims.
Minors require their guardian's consent to participate in Just 4 You Rewards.
Individual Goals
Goals can be accepted at any time within the specified period from Monday 00:00:01 to Sunday 23:59:59 (Goal Period).
A Weekly Goal (action to be achieved per Goal Period) will not change during the Goal Period.
Weekly Goals must be achieved within the specified Goal Period for the Reward to be allocated.
Upon achievement of the Goal, the Reward will be automatically allocated.
Purchase goals are limited to Just 4 You Voice and Just 4 You Data bundles via *123#, and exclude Redhotdealz, Just 4 You Town and Just 4 You Ticket bundles.
For Prepaid and Top Up/uChoose customers, recharge goals are specific to the customer number receiving the recharge thus Airtime Transfer may not be used and will not count towards the recipient party recharge goal.
Weekly Goals not achieved by the end of the Goal Period will expire on the Sunday at 23:59:59 and the customer will no longer be eligible for the selected Reward which has expired.
Activity towards a current goal will not be taken into account for the following week's goal, even if the same goal is set (no carry-over of percentage of goal achieved).
Customers who no longer wish to achieve the accepted Weekly Goal can stop at any time - no opt out is required.
All eligible customers will have the opportunity to select one Reward (from up to three presented) once per week, to be allocated when the specified Weekly Goal is achieved.
Rewards will include a
Data bundles
URL data bundles (for Facebook/ YouTube etc)
Voice Bundles
SMS Bundles
Bonus Airtime (valid for 1 or 7 days, as specified in the offer presentation, and will expire at 23:59 on the relevant day. Use for Vodacom to Vodacom calls at R2/min, local SMS at 50c/SMS or data usage at R2/MB)
Rewards will have a specified expiry from time of allocation, and customers will be notified of this expiry upon allocation.
Rewards cannot be transferred to other customers.
There will be no carry-over of unused Rewards beyond the expiry date.
Vodacom Just 4 You Rewards service will be subject to the following acceptable usage policy:
Machine to machine, IoT and associated services are not permitted to use the Service. If the sim card is used in a fixed location device to regularly make and receive calls to multiple numbers, the Service will be suspended immediately, pending an investigation.
Vodacom reserves the right to suspend the Service in the event of suspected abuse or fraudulent usage, outside of what is considered reasonable for private, non-commercial use.
Vodacom reserves the right to limit the Service in regions or areas where there is limited network capacity (high congestion) in order to maintain consistent quality of service.
Vodacom reserves the right to alter or terminate the Service in order to prevent catastrophic impact on the network.
While Vodacom will use its reasonable endeavours to provide the Service, it does not commit to the uninterrupted supply of the Service, due to potential capacity limitations on the network.
Vodacom reserves the right to suspend, cancel or convert the Service with reasonable notice.
Vodacom reserves the right to change and/ or expand on these terms and conditions and will provide reasonable notice of any material changes prior to such change as and when the circumstances permit.