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Facebook Flex
Facebook Flex
Access Facebook for FREE, without data charges when using:

Facebook.com on your phone
The Facebook app

Stay in control of your data usage when using Facebook through a button that switches between Free and Data Mode. Available when using the app on Android devices, or on Facebook.com for all devices. Fair usage policy applies.

Facebook Flex
Free Mode

When you tap the "Go to Free" button, you can comment, like or share posts anytime for FREE.

Videos and photos are not viewable in the Free Mode.

Facebook Flex
Data Mode

When you tap "See Photos", you can view and send photos and videos on Facebook and Messenger in addition to using the available features in Free Mode.

Please note that your normal data charges will apply.

Facebook Flex
Stay connected
Why is Facebook Flex important?

Want to stay connected to the people you know when you don't have data? With Facebook Flex, a data bundle balance of 0MB means you'll still be able to let your friends know when you visit a new place, start a new job, move house or share other exciting news - anytime, anywhere!

How to register:

Facebook Flex

Dial *111*32# or visit www.facebook.com via the web browser or Facebook app on your phone.

Facebook Flex

Create a new profile or log in to your existing profile. It tells people more about yourself; your age, your work, what music or TV shows you like and more.

Facebook Flex

Once you've successfully registered, you may receive a confirmation SMS with a code which you will need to use on www.facebook.com

Facebook Flex

Add all your friends including family members so that you'll always be connected to the people you love.

Now that you've set up your profile, control your data usage by simply switching from 'Data Mode' to 'Free Mode' every time you log in. You won't be able to download or post data-heavy images and videos, but you can still view and post text updates on the go - for FREE!